Translational Bioinformatics

City of Hope's Translational Bioinformatics (TBI) team mission is to support diverse and computationally intensive needs in data retrieval, curation, integration, annotation, automation, dissemination, visualization, and training. Our goal is to foster research collaborations from broad ranges of well-trained data scientists to promote translational research in biomarker discovery and novel targeted therapy development with multidisciplinary principal investigators, diverse disease teams, clinicians, postdocs, students, vendors, and core facilities.

Our software portfolio incluextends to >100 open-source genomic analysis tools hosted on the HPRCC and POSEIDON platform for customized user support and training. Additional in-house-developed analysis tools are miRNA, scRNA/scDNA, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, RNAseq/DNAseq exome- and transcriptome- sequence analysis, BD-Func pathway analysis, and COHCAP methylation epigenomics analysis.

Our team establishes shared high-performance parallel computational resource and modern cyber-infrastructure with ITS by integrating pipelines and developing methodologies for user consultation, user support, and training.

See our SharePoint site for more TBI information

For collaboration requests, questions, or technical support